Sunday, August 7, 2011

My dad doesn't believe in me.?

I'm 25 and graduated from college last year. I studied what he pushed me to study (he tried it in his 40s but gave up cuz it was too hard to work/manage a family and study at the same time). I'm the first born and have always been the one to listen to my parents. He's very domintaing and is the kind ofperson you who u can never ever win an argument with. I initally liked the subject i studied but it honestly wasn't my first option. I know for a fact that he pushed me to it to fullfil his own dreams of studying it. Also, to brag to the rest of the family and friends that his daughter is studying it. Well, I failed a module in college and couldn't graduate that year and graduated one year later. He was angry abt it because he didn't have my gradauting pics framed for the world to see...not becaue I had failed the subject. It's been almost a yr since I graduated and i'm still jobless. I'm trying my best but no job wants me. I really shd have taken up teaching becasue that is what I originally wanted and the way he responded to my choice was as if to say anyone can be a teacher..there's no glory in it. He thinks that it's a brainless job and that you don't need skill and it's not the occupation i studied in college. Honestly, i have worked as a part time teacher in an elementary sch for 3 years and hav enever been happier. I worked there to pay rent (dad paid college fees) but it's been nearly a year and his "prestegious" job choice is not looking very prestegious at all. Heck, I'm actually losing interst in it. I always told myself that I'll study what he wanted me to study and graduate, get a job and then go back to college and study waht I WANT to study. let me tell you, i'm trying but it's not working. Everytime i go for an interview and i tell him, he doesnt even wish me luck. He used to tell my younger siblig that i am good for nothing and that i'll work in a factory one day. He also told me this story of how when i was born i looked nothing like how he imagined me to look and he was convinced i was not his child. He says this over and over as if its sometihng funny. Just in case you were wondering, my mum is beautiful and my dad's ugly.. i look like him and my younger sibling looks like my mum.) I feel like i'm not gettng any support from him at all. he doesnt believe in me. is it unhealthy that i'm 25 and needs this sort of approval form my dad. how is this going to affectmy future relationships with men? my current bf is a controlling a** H***. i knw this yet i do not have a properly paying job to move out on my own. help. i need help.

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